Sunday, July 12, 2015

Who I Am and Where Did I Come From?


My name is Matt and while my geek cred is mostly wrapped up in RPGs, I have played my fair share of card games, board games, and wargames. With the release of Age of Sigmar, I decided that there is no time like the present to rekindle my look at wargaming and get involved in something at the ground floor.

For the most part, my love of sci-fi and fantasy came out of novels and table top RPGs, I have DMed games for many years and digested all sorts of books. Besides the story crafting RPGs bring, I've always been a lore hound. I've probably spent more time (especially as I get older and players move away, grow up, and start having lives), reading about worlds than playing in them. In fact, the lore of the 40K universe is what grabbed my attention first, long before seeing and hearing about the wargaming aspects of GW in my youth.

First, a small bit of my wargaming background. I'm in no way a competitive player. While I have demoed or played sample games of everything from Warmachine and Mordheim to Battlefleet Gothic and War at Sea (and hours of GenCon Grinder games of Battletech), I have never been fully absorbed by any. I played 40K for a decent amount of time many years ago, but it was mostly on a friendly level with (surprise!) friends, rather than really diving deep and playing competitively.

I played Warhammer one time back in 6E, piecing together a simple Orc & Goblin army and fielding them once on my dining room table. It's not that the game was bad or not to my liking, my gaming group just got absorbed in so many other things we never really came back to it.

But now, GW is doing something huge. They've effectively killed off their Fantasy universe and game and have started new with Age of Sigmar. And I'm interested in getting in!

My love of lore is usually why I tend to want to be there when something first starts. I want to absorb every piece of background and media of something and that's easiest to do when it's fresh and I can get in at the start. As I've said, I've enjoyed wargaming and even the lore Warhammer has and now this is my chance to see it from the start and see it at a time it's really changing.

So why this blog? Well, from what I've seen in my searching about the game, nearly everyone looking at it is a old time veteran of Warhammer Fantasy. There has been very little look from a fresh perspective and I intend to do it. This is both for my own sake and to allow others who may be new to wargaming and Warhammer to see someone talk about it from the same fresh perspective as them.

So, here goes nothing!

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