Sunday, July 19, 2015

Review: The Gates of Azyr

The Gates of Azyr is a short novella written by Chris Wraight that kicks off the Age of Sigmar concurrently with the Starter Set. A quick read, clocking in at 125 pages, I ended up with the fancy limited edition because why not?

The novella is 8 chapters long and is a very quick read. Picking up exactly where White Dwarf 75 leaves off, the book covers the first strike force of Stormcast Eternals. These are the warriors that are to open the first realmgate on Aqshy, allowing all of the other members of the Eternals to begin their attack to retake the realms.

The book does a good job of jumping between several characters, watching through their eyes as the action progresses. One section may be following Vandus or Khul, leaders of the Eternals and Goretide respectively, or we may be following one of their lieutenants. At times we even follow the story through the eyes of the few natives left in the realm.

The story does a good job of making sure every character that is a model in the Starter Set is represented. I have a feeling, the story here is, in a way, the canonical sequence of events of the campaign missions found in the Starter Set.

I'm not going to say this novella is the next great American novel. The short page length and story that basically boils down to a single battle gives little time for mass amounts of dialogue or deep character moments. Though the author does a good job giving each character his/her own voice. Ionus Cryptborn, the Lord-Relictor, is particularly well characterized and is fleshed out while keeping plenty of secrets about his past and motivations. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he'll become a fan favorite character.

And what does the collector's edition bring? Not a whole lot besides the fancy dust jacket and ribbon bookmark you see above. The pages have a golden edging and there is a small color section in the middle that is a close up shot of several characters along with a few sentences of biography. The pictures are all crops of a previous image and they don't add too much.

All in all, I enjoyed the story and enjoyed the first taste of fiction for the world. Tomorrow I'll have some thoughts, questions/answers about some of the lore revealed within the story.

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