Saturday, July 18, 2015

Weekly Shopping List: Week 3

Week 3 of Age of Sigmar is upon us and with that come some new items!

Week 3
While we get yet another Stormcast Eternal model, the big news this week is terrain!

White Dwarf 77: As far as I can tell, this is yet again a full Age of Sigmar issue, teasers have pointed out that we'll see the first bits of Chaos specific information this time along with a look at some of the survivors that live in fear of Chaos when Sigmar abandoned the Realms. As I recently read a bit about some of these folks in The Gates of Azyr, this is intriguing. As it always does, this goes directly into my purchase order.
Ophidian Archway: The first of two scenery pieces on this week's preorder list, The Ophidian Archway looks awesome. There is a bunch of great detail on the wall and it comes with it's own Warscroll which you can get on the pre-order page. I could only order one piece of scenery this week, so I went with this one.

Baleful Realmgates: A set of two gates dripping with arcane energy, these are also very nice looking pieces. Again, a great bit of detail is present on their faces as well as a set of rules using them as teleports on the battlefield. Of course, you can also potentially lose models as they cross through the gate on bad rolls.
Lord Castellant: A defensive buff character, this guy looks big and heavy and comes with a pretty sweet looking gryph-hound model. I really hope the gryph-hound gets a separate release so you can add a whole pack to your army, especially since it gets it's own warscroll and talks about fielding them as units of multiple models.

That's it, small amount of pre-orders this week, which is a good thing.
The Realmgates and Lord Castellant will have to wait as I'm a week and a half away from going to Gen Con and I'm keeping a tight leash on my funding until I'm done with that. Still their both definite future purchases and I hope the scenery pieces aren't limited releases and will be available when I get back.

White Dwarf 75
The Gates of Azyr
Age of Sigmar Starter Set
Age of Sigmar Painting Guide
Assault on Mandrake Bastion Quick Read

Pre-Ordered and In Transit
White Dwarf 76 - In Transit
Age of Sigmar Book - In Transit
White Dwarf 77 - Pre-Ordered
Ophidian Archway - Pre-Ordered

Wish List
Lord Celestant
Baleful Realmgates
Lord Castellant

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