Monday, July 20, 2015

Lore Library - The Gates of Azyr

The following are some of my observations on the hints at the overall lore of Age of Sigmar.
This edition is for The Gates of Azyr, as such, there are spoilers for the story itself contained within.
*Spoilers* You've been warned

In no particular order, here are some of the interesting things The Gates of Azyr reveal:

The mount Vandus uses, Calanax, is referred to as a "gret celestial dracoth" and the first of it's kind to be tamed for battle. WD 75 said Sigmar was discovered by the Great Drake Dracothion. It's an obvious connection, though I'm not sure if Sigmar named these beasts "dracoth" in honor of the Great Drake or if they are offspring of said Dracothion.

We learn that Sigmar erases the memories of the warriors he reforges into Stormcast Eternals. They remember they were once great warriors fighting against Chaos, but that's it. It's a bit brainwashy and cult like what happens to them, as they are fully indoctrinated into Sigmar's cause while having their old lives stripped away. Vandus, however, begins to remember his past as Vendell Blackfist, both because he lived (and fought) in Aqshy, but also because he fought against Khul himself. Seeing his old homelands and enemy sparked his memory, something I'm sure Sigmar wouldn't be happy about. The God-King isn't a pure white hero here.

Despite being reforged as larger than life and bigger than a standard man, they are still, essential human (or whatever race beforehand) under their armor, Vandus lifts his helm to speak with a survivor and it is stated as such.

The initiation rites that create Bloodreavers are properly chilling. They chase about the ragged bands of mortals still living in the Realm, and those that get captured alive are given a choice; feast on the flesh of their dead companions and join the Bloodreavers or be eaten alive. That's fantastic in all the wrong ways.

The first strike back against Chaos, the opening of the Realmgate on Aqshy, is the first step in an all out invasion by Sigmar. It's interesting that he could only send a small force lead by Vandus to open up the gate. The "drop pod" like ability to send Eternals down in shells of lightning must take a lot of power to do. Why else wouldn't he send all of his Eternals that way to strike without warning, rather than have Vandus fight to open the Realmgate to allow the armies through?

We learn of the basis of the "immortality" of Eternals. While they can be killed, as long as a Relictor can get to them relativly quickly and use the powers of Shyish contained in their reliquary, they Eternals can come back to life. However, if they are left too long, the soul escapes and they meet a true death.

Speaking of Relictors, Lord-Relictor Ionus Cryptborn fully remembers his life before becoming an Eternal. One of defending Shyish from Chaos invasion during their initial attack. He also goes on about having other motives and "deals" worked out with Sigmar and his homerealm.

The abilities that come from the reliquary; both the reinstating of an Eternal's soul and the magics of Shyish used offensively and the fact that Sigmar made some deal with the Realm of Death brings up an interesting plot thread. We know Nagash usurped the Realm of Death and is the final arbiter of those souls that are killed, what kind of deal was struck that allows Sigmar to reinstate souls in his champions and use the powers of Shyish through the Relictors?

Plenty of questions and observations here, one's that may be answered as we go forward.

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