Saturday, September 12, 2015

Weekly Shopping List: Week 10 & Week 11

Sorry, got a little busy last week and that stopped me from doing any posting like I would have liked. So, I have some serious making up time to do and I'll start by doing both last week's and this week's weekly shopping list.

It's all Stormcast Eternals for both Weeks 10 & 11, so atleast everything will flow nicely. Let's take a look.

Week 10

White Dwarf/Hobby Books
White Dwarf 84: WD 84 seems to be all about the new models. As even the website's description only mentions that they will take a look at the Prosecuters and what they're all about. What else is in there? Something about a Battle Plan featuring the Celestant-Prime, but then more about Prosectuers! At least I'm certain this will be an AoS focused mission.
Order Battletome: Stormcast Eternals: This 152-Page book features all the warscrolls, backstory, battalions, heraldry, color schemes, etc about the Stormcast Eternals. It combines the various background and fluff that's been scattered over other Big Books and White Dwarfs as well as combining all the Warscrolls. Yes, this is our first Army Book, as close as we're going to get anyway. It's either $58 for the regular edition or a whopping $140 for the limited edition version.

Stormcast Eternals
Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers or Stormcall Javelins: The last troop type for the Eternals finally get their own release. The Prosecutors, certainly the most striking looking Eternal units can finally be picked up as separate models. $60 will net your three models, a high price point, but one that may be ignored since they are the most stand-out model designs the Eternals have. They can be constructed either as the box set did, with dual hammers, or with javelins and shields. The Prime also has several weapon options from great weapons similar to the Liberator options to a trident which looks very cool.
Knight-Azyros: One of the "lieutenant" class units for the Eternals, this guy isn't as powerful as a Lord type, but also is a single unit that operates on his own like the other hero types. The Knight-Azyros is a winged unit like the Prosecutors but is armed with a lantern like the Lord-Castallent. A slick looking model, though pricey at $40, much like the Prosecutors, I think the price point is based on the sales for the cool wings.
Knight-Venator: The second "lieutenant" type that can be built with the same sprues as the Knight-Azyros, the Knight-Venator is the lone sniper unit for the Eternals. Again, winged like a Prosecutor, this guy has the bow like a Judicator does and a very cool looking Star-Eagle flying beneath him. I certainly like the look of him over the Knight-Azyros, but I think both of them are very cool looking.
Celestial Warbringer and Knight-Excelsior Upgrades: An interesting release, something much more akin to Forge World releases, these are optional shield, shoulder pad, and tilting plates that add more detail and different styles than the standard releases you get with your regular units. These are totally optional and are used to make units "canon" for other Warrior Chamber types. They're $12 each and give you enough to change 8 units. An odd price point, and odd release, and something that should have came out earlier for people buying Liberators and Paladins earlier.

The Solace of Rage: Coming out Tuesday of Week 10, the Solace of Rage is the third part of the Call of Archon series. Once again, we get a look at the Chaos side of things, this time following Ushkar Mir of the Khorne Bloodbound. However, this is a Khorne follower in Ghur, not on Azyr, so that's a change. I also like what they did with the Khorne followers in the Black Rift of Klaxus, so I'm interested where this goes.

Week 11

White Dwarf/Hobby Books
White Dwarf 85: Once again, the blurb is really pushing the new models, not the other articles. It mentions that they are in the Codex Apocrypha (which is mostly fluff based), as well as their warscrolls and such. They also talk about Army of the Month and Armies on Parade, which are recurring articles as well, so I don't know how much real fluff we'll get out of this one.

Stormcast Eternals
Knight-Heraldor: We are finishing out the lieutenant releases here, starting with a command level music player in the Knight-Heraldor. Since the main bulk troop types don't get a full command (musician and standard bearer are missing) outside of a commander, it's cool to see the Eternals get something like it. Their musician is at command level, a single hero type with a trumpet and sword, proudly announcing the Eternals presence. This guy has shown up in some of the fiction and he's a warrior true and only $25 the cheapest hero type for the Eternals yet.
Knight-Vexillor: The hero type standard bearer, he has two banner options, both which look quite cool. In fact, his look makes me wish that standard troop types did have a full command, so we could see variants of this look with Liberators, Paladins, and Prosecutors (I wish!) . But as a hero, he does have a striking pose and costs a smidge more than his partner this week at $30.

With that, every Eternal that's been mentioned or shown in various fiction, photos, lore, and war scrolls has been released. This may be the end of the Stormcast Eternals model push but I'm sure they can always think of more for the future, especially with the Warscroll format of making units. So do we get Khorne next week or a whole new faction? Or will we take a rest from AoS and do some pure 40K releases for a while? We'll see next Saturday!

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