Saturday, August 8, 2015

Weekly Shopping List: Week 6

Another week, another batch of preorders and another new faction shows up! To top that off, there is no Stormcast Eternals releases this week.
Also, this week, I'm going to stop listing my Haves/Wants/Getting as the lists are getting huge and I added them to the side of the blog for ease of looking.
Anyway, enough chatter, let's see what's for sale:

White Dwarf/Hobby Books
White Dwarf 80: WD80 marks the first issue for their new digital launch. Instead of just being an ebook, this issue begins the actual integration as a separate app. But, I prefer my stuff physical when I can, so I'll be getting it that way. According to the blurb, this issue mainly seems to just be pimping the items that are on pre-order, as every pitch seems to be about what's coming below.
The Realmgate Wars: The Quest for Ghal Maraz: Our second big hardback after only a month. This one seems to have a a full subtitle and... sub-subtitle as opposed to the generic Age of Sigmar title on the first book. Like the previous book, this one moves the story forward and allows players to play out scenarios from the book's story. Focusing one both the Realm of Life and Realm of Metal, we seem to be moving away from the Eternals vs. Bloodbound feud, though plenty of mention of Eternals are here as well. Once again, this is available as both a limited edition and regular one.

Khorne Bloodbound
Bloodreavers: Like the Eternals, the first release for the Bloodbound is the grunts. The Bloodreavers box comes with enough pieces to build 20 Reavers, with full command and option of two weapon types. For $58 this is a great number of models, especially compared to the Eternal releases.

Skaven Pestilens
Plague Monks: The base line troops for the Pestilens, we get 20 plague monks and a variety of weapons and banner types. As smaller units, these only take $35, so once again the value here looks great.

Plague Priest: A caster, similar to the branchwraith, this is a single model for $15. A particularly gruesome (in a good way) looking model, this is another "Finecast" model be re-released under new branding.

Plague Censer Bearers: A two model pack, the Censer Bearers continue the plague look running through the Pestilens series.

Plague Furnace: One of the huge Pestilen vehicles, the Plague Furnace is a haphazardly slapped together rolling vehicle of disease. The model looks fantastic with a lot of character and motion. This can also technically be built as a Screaming Bell as well, though the vehicle isn't for the faction (and isn't reflected in the new warscrolls)

Plagueclaw: Another vehicle, while not as big and menacing as the Furnace, is still impressive looking. Especially with the large warpstone bottom and skaven in gas masks. Much cheaper than the Furnace (and the same price as the Celestant), this seems like another model that is of key value.

That wraps up Week 6, a lot more diversifying these past two weeks, we'll see where it goes next week.

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